Besty Food Privacy policy

We are always and fully committed to maintaining user privacy on the Besty Food Application, and have designed this policy to describe to you in full the use of your private information/data provided to us when you make use of the Besty Food Application and website. This policy is GDPR compliant.By accessing or using the Besty Food Application, you fully agree to be legally bound by the terms of this agreement. If you are not in complete agreement with our policy, you must stop using this Application immediately.Your acceptance of the Besty Food Privacy Policy means that you consent to our use of and disclosure of your private information/data in accordance with the policy.

Information We Collect

Here are the various categories of information we collect from and about you when you place an order for products on the Besty Food Application. Information that you provide: These include full name, e-mail address, phone number, and contact (delivery) address. Credit/debit card information: These are credit card or debit car details as well as other financial information that may be required to facilitate your transaction.Information that we collect through the use of cookies/other technologies: We use a variety of technologies to extract information from your computer and about what actions you take on the Besty Food app and website. This may include your device’s browser information and IP address, as well as time. Besty Food may also collect Internet and browser related information through cookies and/or web beacons.

Delivery Partner Location Permission

Order will be assigned to the delivery partner based on his current location and the shop location distance. To make it possible the current location of the delivery partner will be fetched every now and then.

The Ways We Use Your Information

Here are the ways in which we may use private information/data collected from you:
To help us identify you;
To facilitate the delivery of your ordered products;
To provide our services to you and other users;
To help us to evaluate, develop and improve the Besty Food Application;
To let you know you about changes to the Besty Food Application, website and services;
To let you know about services and/or events that may interest you when you are in agreement to be so contacted;
To troubleshoot problems and resolve disputes;
To customize your experience; and
To discover and appropriately defend ourselves against fraud, error and other criminal activities.

Our Disclosure Of Your Information

We may permit third-parties, including our authorised service providers, advertising companies, and ad networks, to place advertisements on the Besty Food app. These companies may in certain cases use tracking technologies like cookies, to gather information about users who view their advertisements. You have our full assurance that the Besty Food app does not reveal any private information/data to these third parties. We may reveal your private information, which may include your full name and contact address with our approved service providers that carry-out certain services on our behalf. We will reveal your information to third parties with whom you authorize us to reveal such information. We may also share your private information/data (in reply to a subpoena, similar investigative demand, or a court order) with appropriate legal authorities/government officials if asked to do so. Barring these, we will under no situation knowingly sell, exchange or otherwise give your private information/data to third parties.

Our Cookies Policy

At Besty Food, we make use of "cookies" to provide a user-friendly registration and log in experience and to improve your general experience. Through cookie usage, we also may collect information about your online activity on our site automatically, such as the web pages you viewed, the links you clicked, and the searches you made on our site. Although most browsers automatically and routinely accept cookies, you can choose to reject or accept cookies on your device. However, you will not be able to use some of the collaborative features provided on the Besty Food Application and website.

Security Of Information

We do our best to ensure the security of your private information/data. To prevent unauthorized access, ensure appropriate use of information, and preserve data accuracy, we employ first class practical and administrative practices and measures that safeguard and secure your information. You however understand and accept that we will not be answerable for any unauthorized use of your private information as there is not full guarantee and assurance of information safety for data transmitted over the internet.

Personally-Provided Information While Using Our Service

The Besty Food application sometimes allows users to post information about themselves and others, communicate with others, and/or upload content. As a user, you hereby agree that when you voluntarily reveal private information/data on publicly-accessible web pages, such information will be obtainable publicly and can be viewed and used by others. We advise users to exercise caution and common sense regarding uploading identifiable private information/data.

How You Can Access Your Information

We want to ensure that your information that we hold is always accurate and up to date. Whenever there are any material changes to your private information/data, please sign in to your account (if any) and edit your profile to reflect the changes, so that we can update our records.

Controlling Your Private Information/Data

You have all rights to correct and update your private information in our records if you believe that it is erroneous or if it has been deleted. You may also place limitations on the manner in which we process your information. You have all rights to withdraw your agreement where the processing of your private information is based on your consent. This is however subject to legal or contractual restrictions. You have all rights to instruct Besty Food not to use or process your private information/data in certain circumstances, i.e. for advertising and marketing purposes.


We may from time to time review or amend this Privacy Policy to better reflect Besty Food’s use and protection of your private information. We will indicate the last updated date on the top portion of this page. If we make any material changes in the way we collect, use, and/or share your private information/data, we will inform you by sending an e-mail to you. Your continued use of the application after changes are made indicate your continued acceptance of our privacy policy.